19:12:2008 - 21:12 EET
  • News in English
    Of the 56,000 people in Greece and Australia, who recently received a letter from the Australian government about pensions, around 43,500 replied, according to an announcement by the ministry in charge.
  • News in English
    A delegation of Greek-Australians has met in Melbourne with the Australian minister for Community Services, with the main focus of discussions being an amnesty for all those who have been receiving pensions from both Australia and Greece, but did not declare them to Australian authorities.
  • News in English
    The 4-day sessions of the Council for Hellenes Abroad (CHA) presidium, held under the chairmanship of its President, Stephanos Tamvakis, have wound up in the organisation's main offices.
  • News in English
    Having completed a lengthy and expensive investment in manpower, technology, administrative and operational structure, as well as technocratic approach, the Hellenic Postbank has begun the development of an innovative technological architecture that will support the creation of an electronic bank.
  • News in English
    Greek-Australians were grieved and moved to hear of the recent death of former Cypriot president Tassos Papadopoulos last week.




Profound grief over the death of Tassos Papadopoulos
Συντάχθηκε απο τον/την Μπάμπης Παπαδάκης   
The announcement of the death of former Cypriot president, Tassos Papadopoulos, has caused profound grief among Greek-Americans, and many prominent personalities expressed their condolences. The announcement of the death of former Cypriot president, Tassos Papadopoulos, has caused profound grief among Greek-Americans, and many prominent personalities expressed their condolences. The Archbishop of America, Dimitrios, Senator Robert Menendez, and the chairpersons of large expatriate Greek organisations, all sent message of condolences.
The Archbishop of America, Dimitrios - who was close friends with the late president - held a church service in his memory for the diplomatic corps of Greece and Cyprus. The Cypriot embassy in Washington (2211 R Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20008) opened a book of condolences, as did the country's General Consulate.

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